Weekly outline

  • Course card

    The educational discipline is intended for applicants of the second (master's) level of higher education, specialty 192 "Construction and civil engineering", educational and professional program "Technology of production of construction and road construction materials and products".

    The purpose of studying the academic discipline is to prepare specialists to perform future independent professional tasks in production technology using modern innovative materials, methods of evaluating the special properties of construction materials and products that arise when they are obtained, and the possibility of quality control of construction materials based on them.

    The teachers: 

    Oksak Serhiy Volodymyrovych (https://dl2022.khadi-kh.com/course/view.php?id=2389)

                     Information about the teacher: (https://rcf.khadi.kharkov.ua/kafedri/tekhnologiji-dorozhno-budivelnikh-materialiv/sklad-kafedri/oksak-sergii-volodimirovich/)

    Tolmachov Serhiy Mykolayovych (https://dl2022.khadi-kh.com/course/view.php?id=2978) 

                     Information about the teacher: (https://rcf.khadi.kharkov.ua/kafedri/tekhnologiji-dorozhno-budivelnikh-materialiv/sklad-kafedri/tolmachov-sergii-mikolaiovich/#c14933)

  • Topic 1. General concepts of modern building materials. Technical and economic efficiency of using new materials in road construction


    1. Concept of modern building material.

    2. The main types of destruction of asphalt concrete pavement and their prevention.

    3. The main directions of development and the effectiveness of the use of building materials.

    • Topic 2. Innovations in the field of regulation of the properties of road bituminous binders and asphalt concrete based on them


      1. Bitumens modified with polymers.

      2. Bitumen modification technology with polymer additives.

      3. Requirements for the properties of bitumen modified with polymers.

      4. Asphalt polymer concrete.

      5. Requirements for the properties of asphalt polymer concrete.

      • Topic 3. Innovations in the field of regulation of the properties of road bituminous binders and asphalt concrete based on them


        1. Improvement of bitumen properties with structuring additives.

        2. Improvement of adhesive properties of bitumen.

        3. Technology of combining bitumen with structuring and adhesive additives.

        4. Requirements for the properties of bitumens modified with various additives.

        5. Improving the properties of asphalt concrete due to the use of modified bitumen.

        • Topic 4. Ways of targeted regulation of asphalt concrete properties by changing their mineral composition


          1. Features of stone-mastic asphalt concrete.

          2. Components and production technology of crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete mixture.

          3. Technical requirements for stone-mastic asphalt concrete mixtures and asphalt concrete.

          4. General information about mastic asphalt concrete mixtures.

          5. Peculiarities of preparation of MACM and installation of mastic asphalt concrete coatings.

          6. Technical requirements for mastic asphalt concrete mixtures and asphalt concrete.

          • Topic 5. Energy-saving and environmentally safe binders and organo-mineral mixtures for road construction


            1. General concepts about emulsions.

            2. Composition and classification of emulsions.

            3. Stabilization of emulsions and the role of surfactants.

            4. Bituminous emulsion production technology.

            5. Technical requirements for road bitumen emulsions.

            6. The field of use.

            • Topic 6. Modern materials for horizontal road markings, for filling expansion joints and cracks in the coating, waterproofing materials


              1. Types of road markings, requirements for materials for road markings.

              2. Paint materials for road markings.

              3. Road markings using plastics.

              4. Use of glass balls to give reflective properties to road markings.

              5. Types of modern waterproofing materials and conditions of their use.

              6. Sealing materials. General information and classification.

              • Semester 2

                • Recommended Books:

                  1. Basic literature

                  1. Inovacijni materiali i tehnologiyi dlya budivnictva ta remontu dorozhnih odyagiv avtomobilnih dorig: navch. posibnik / S.J. Solodkij. – Lviv: Vid-vo Lvivskoyi politehniki, 2013. – 140 s. 

                  2. Budivelne materialoznavstvo. Pidruchnik. – Rivne : NUVGP, 2016. – 448 s. 

                  3. Bolshakov V.I., Dvorkin L.I. Stroitelnoe materialovedenie. – Dnipropetrovsk: RVA «Dnipro–VAL» 2004. -677s. 

                  4. Batrakov V.G. Modificirovannye betony. Teoriya i praktika. M.: AO «Astrasem», 1998. 768 s.

                  5. Dvorkin L.J. Efektivni tehnologiyi betoniv ta rozchiniv iz zastosuvannyam tehnogennoyi sirovini / Zhitkovskij V.V., Marchuk V.V., Stepasyuk Yu.O., Skripnik M.M. – Rivne: NUVGP, 2017. – 424 s. 

                  6. Baranovskij V.B. ta in. Suchasni ukrayinski budivelni materiali, virobi ta konstrukciyi. – K.: Asociaciya «VSVBMV», 2012 – 664 s. 

                  7. Dvorkin L.J. ta in. Visokomicni shvidkotverdnuchi betoni ta fibrobetoni. – Rivne: NUVGP, 2017. – 331 s. 

                  8. Tolmachev S.N., Belichenko E.A. Primenenie uglerodnyh kolloidnyh nanochastic v melkozernistyh cementnyh betonah. H.: HNADU, 2014. – 152 s. 

                  9. Suchasni ukrayinski budivelni materiali, virobi ta konstrukciyi: naukovopraktichnij dovidnik; avt. ideyi ta ker. pr-tu I.M. Salij; za red. K.K. Pushkarovoyi; Asociaciya “Vseukr. soyuz virobnikiv bud. materialiv ta virobiv”. - Kiyiv: VSVBMV, 2012 - 658 s.

                  2. Auxiliary literature

                  10. Gamalij E.A. Sovremennye organo-mineralnye modifikatory dlya tyazhelyh betonov. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014. – 233 s. 

                  11. Solomatov V.I. Novoe v stroitelnom materialovedenii. M.: ASV, 1997.

                  12. Metodika viznachennya nayavnosti ta vmistu polimeru v asfaltobetonah M 02071168-709:2012. K.: Ukravtodor. - 28 s. 

                  13. Budivelni materiali. Sumishi asfaltobetonni i asfaltobeton dorozhnij i aerodromnij: DSTU B V.2.7-119:2011. [Chinnij vid 2012-10-01]. – K.: Minregion Ukrayini, 2012. – 42 s. (Nacionalnij standart Ukrayini). 

                  14. Budivelni materiali. Sumishi asfaltobetonni i asfaltobeton shebenevomastikovi. Tehnichni umovi: DSTU B V.2.7-127:2015. [Chinnij vid 2016-07-01]. – K.: Minregion Ukrayini, 2015 – 27 s. (Nacionalnij standart Ukrayini). 

                  15. Budivelni materiali. Sumishi asfaltobetonni ta asfaltobeton liti. Tehnichni umovi: SOU 42.1-37641918-106:2013. [Chinnij vid 2013-11-01]. – K.: Ukravtodor, 2013 – 18 s. (Standart organizaciyi Ukrayini). 

                  16. Zadachi dlya magistrantiv ta aspirantiv z dorozhno-budivelnih materialiv / Zolotarov V.O., Kosmin O.V., Malyar V.V. – H.: HNADU, 2012. – 84 s.

                  Additional sources:

                  1. distance course: https://dl2022.khadi.kharkov.ua/course/view.php?id=2701 ;

                  2. http://files.khadi.kharkov.ua 

                  3. http://www.nbwv.gov.ua 

                  4. http://korolenko.kharkov.com 

                  5. http://library.univer.kharkov.ua