Weekly outline

  • General

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  • 31 жовтень - 6 листопад

    Lesson 1. Supply Chain – A New Stage in the Evolution of Logistics Management

    The student's work plan:

    1. Familiarize yourself with the lecture material.

    2. To process additional proposed literature.

    3. Fill in the glossary for 10 concepts from the topic.

    4. Answer the self-test questions of the learned material (up to 20 points).

    5. Complete a practical task (up to 40 points).

    6. Take part in the discussion in the thematic forum (up to 10 points).

    7. Take part in the thematic chat (up to 10 points).

    8. Ask questions arising from the tasks in the "Question-Answer" forum (up to 20 points).

  • 7 листопад - 13 листопад

    Lesson 2. Supply Chain Conceptual Framework and Management

    The student's work plan:

    1. Familiarize yourself with the lecture material.

    2. To process additional proposed literature.

    3. Fill in the glossary for 10 concepts from the topic.

    4. Answer the self-test questions of the learned material (up to 20 points).

    5. Complete a practical task (up to 40 points).

    6. Take part in the discussion in the thematic forum (up to 10 points).

    7. Take part in the thematic chat (up to 10 points).

    8. Ask questions arising from the tasks in the "Question-Answer" forum (up to 20 points).

  • 14 листопад - 20 листопад

    Lesson 3. Business Process Management in Supply Chains

    The student's work plan:

    1. Familiarize yourself with the lecture material.

    2. To process additional proposed literature.

    3. Fill in the glossary for 10 concepts from the topic.

    4. Answer the self-test questions of the learned material (up to 20 points).

    5. Complete a practical task (up to 40 points).

    6. Take part in the discussion in the thematic forum (up to 10 points).

    7. Take part in the thematic chat (up to 10 points).

    8. Ask questions arising from the tasks in the "Question-Answer" forum (up to 20 points).

  • 21 листопад - 27 листопад

    Lesson 4. Supply Chain Design

     The student's work plan:

    1. Familiarize yourself with the lecture material.

    2. To process additional proposed literature.

    3. Fill in the glossary for 10 concepts from the topic.

    4. Answer the self-test questions of the learned material (up to 20 points).

    5. Complete a practical task (up to 40 points).

    6. Take part in the discussion in the thematic forum (up to 10 points).

    7. Take part in the thematic chat (up to 10 points).

    8. Ask questions arising from the tasks in the "Question-Answer" forum (up to 20 points).

  • 28 листопад - 4 грудень

    Lesson 5. Major  Solutions in   Supply Chain Management

    The student's work plan:

    1. Familiarize yourself with the lecture material.

    2. To process additional proposed literature.

    3. Fill in the glossary for 10 concepts from the topic.

    4. Answer the self-test questions of the learned material (up to 20 points).

    5. Complete a practical task (up to 40 points).

    6. Take part in the discussion in the thematic forum (up to 10 points).

    7. Take part in the thematic chat (up to 10 points).

    8. Ask questions arising from the tasks in the "Question-Answer" forum (up to 20 points).

  • 5 грудень - 11 грудень

    Lesson 6. Decision-Making in Supply Chain Management  under Uncertainty

    The student's work plan:

    1. Familiarize yourself with the lecture material.

    2. To process additional proposed literature.

    3. Fill in the glossary for 10 concepts from the topic.

    4. Answer the self-test questions of the learned material (up to 20 points).

    5. Complete a practical task (up to 40 points).

    6. Take part in the discussion in the thematic forum (up to 10 points).

    7. Take part in the thematic chat (up to 10 points).

    8. Ask questions arising from the tasks in the "Question-Answer" forum (up to 20 points).

  • 12 грудень - 18 грудень

    Lesson 7. Supply Chain Strategies 

    The student's work plan:

    1. Familiarize yourself with the lecture material.

    2. To process additional proposed literature.

    3. Fill in the glossary for 10 concepts from the topic.

    4. Answer the self-test questions of the learned material (up to 20 points).

    5. Complete a practical task (up to 40 points).

    6. Take part in the discussion in the thematic forum (up to 10 points).

    7. Take part in the thematic chat (up to 10 points).

    8. Ask questions arising from the tasks in the "Question-Answer" forum (up to 20 points).

  • 19 грудень - 25 грудень

    Lesson 8. Integration  and Cooperation in Supply Chains

    The student's work plan:

    1. Familiarize yourself with the lecture material.

    2. To process additional proposed literature.

    3. Fill in the glossary for 10 concepts from the topic.

    4. Answer the self-test questions of the learned material (up to 20 points).

    5. Complete a practical task (up to 40 points).

    6. Take part in the discussion in the thematic forum (up to 10 points).

    7. Take part in the thematic chat (up to 10 points).

    8. Ask questions arising from the tasks in the "Question-Answer" forum (up to 20 points).

  • 26 грудень - 1 січень
