Weekly outline
Foreign Language Communication Section
Це шаблон дистанційного курсу, що відповідає стандартам НТУ ХПІ, ХНАДУ, ІТВ НТУ ХПІ
після використання зайві посилання та коментарі ВИДАЛИТИ
Заняття 1. Parts of highway. Types of roads. Parts of roads.
Purpose: to study active professional vocabulary on the given topic including speaking, reading, listening & writing skills developing, to train the skills aimed at the features of EVI test performance.
Заняття 2. Safety equipment. Basic actions. Types of intersections
Purpose: to study active professional vocabulary on the given topic including speaking, reading, listening & writing skills developing, to train the skills aimed at the features of EVI test performance.
Заняття 3.Paving sidewalks. Curb types. Installing curbs.
Purpose: to study active professional vocabulary on the given topic including speaking, reading, listening & writing skills developing, to train the skills aimed at the features of EVI test performance.
Заняття 4. Fencing. Bridges: types and parts.
Purpose: to study active professional vocabulary on the given topic including speaking, reading, listening & writing skills developing, to train the skills aimed at the features of EVI test performance.
Практичне заняття 5. Traffic control.Signage. Street furniture.
Purpose: to study active professional vocabulary on the given topic including speaking, reading, listening & writing skills developing, to train the skills aimed at the features of EVI test performance.
Практичне заняття 6. Vehicles. Walking directions. Driving Directions.
Purpose: to study active professional vocabulary on the given topic including speaking, reading, listening & writing skills developing, to train the skills aimed at the features of EVI test performance.
Практичне заняття 7. Car accidents. Directing traffic. Traffic stops.
Purpose: to study active professional vocabulary on the given topic including speaking, reading, listening & writing skills developing, to train the skills aimed at the features of EVI test performance.
Практичне заняття 8. Patrolling. Radiocommunication. Crowd control.
Purpose: to study active professional vocabulary on the given topic including speaking, reading, listening & writing skills developing, to train the skills aimed at the features of EVI test performance.